As a successful tech services company, we have worked with hundreds of companies across industries such as healthcare, gaming, IoT, AI, ML, credit bureau, defence etc. Whilst working with them, we realized that there is a dire need for a global platform that brings together key stakeholders to share ideas, brainstorm and innovate for the betterment of all.
This need gave birth to our events firm, Prism Events, Inc. that is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. Since 2018, we have been disrupting the conference space with multiple events in the domain of healthcare (IFAH), technology (InterCon), marketing (MADcon), education (GFEL), and fashion & beauty (FABcon).
With each year, we have been adding conferences to our fleet of events and ensuring that we are able to improve our offerings with every subsequent edition.
So, come and experience the brilliance by being a part of this exciting journey with us!