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Smart insights
Turn-Key Events creates worry-free and engaging live, hybrid and virtual conferences and meetings for you and your attendees. Lauren Cramer, who spearheads Turn-Key, is a graduate of Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration and has more than 23 years of event planning experience. Turn-Key Events is by your side from initial concept development to the time your last attendee steps onto their flight home (or shuts down the computer).
For a one-stop resource, look to Turn-Key Events to produce remarkable conferences and meetings, whether for 10 or 1,000 people.
Venue search and negotiation
Contract negotiations
Agenda planning
Registration assessment and setup
Virtual event strategy and planning
Marketing strategy
Web site usability and review
Vendor relations
Onsite management
General guidance and counsel
Turn-Key Events attends to the nuts and bolts associated with events (the stuff that can drive you crazy). We manage all the details so you can focus on your business.