Webdom Labs, S.L.

The AI engine Fit Assessment


The company provides specialized software solutions and smart devices for solar farm monitoring and control. For further information on the fit, check this reference


Webdom Labs manufactures and sells electronic products for monitoring energy.

HQ Location

Barcelona (Spain)





Total funding raised

Not available

Last Funding Event

Not available

Smart insights

  • Catherine Msc (Chief People Officer) worked at Lilium as Head of People Business Partnering for 1.5 years (2021 - 2022)
  • Val Miftakhov (Founder & CEO) worked at Google in various roles, including Head of R&D, Google for Work Incubation, for a total of 4 years (2012 - 2016)
  • 6m headcount growth: 25%
  • 1Y headcount growth: 94%
  • Headcount-to-last-round ratio: 5.3 employees/$M

Webdom Labs nace en el año 2011, con el espíritu de recoger, procesar y mostrar información del consumo energético en tiempo real. El concepto, desarrollado inicialmente para monitorizar la producción de instalaciones fotovoltaicas, es hoy aplicable a edificios públicos, industrias, comercios o entornos domésticos.

Conoce más sobre nosotros en http://www.webdom.es

Webdom Labs was born in 2011, in the spirit of collecting, processing and displaying energy consumption data in real time. The concept, initially developed for monitoring the production of photovoltaic energy, is now applicable to public buildings, industrial, commercial or domestic environments.

Visit our website and know more about us in http://www.webdom.es